Press releases

Press releases

DIA Labs, a Trust for the Americas Project supported by the Citi Foundation, Celebrated Innovation and Community Impact in Jamaica


The Trust's DIA Labs in Jamaica held a Meet & Greet event to mark the programme's cycle closing. Representatives from Citi, The Trust for the Americas, an affiliated to the Organization of American States (OAS), the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE), and the LASCO Foundation, along with four outstanding program participants, attended the event at the LASCO Foundation Headquarters.


The Trust for the Americas, ADASEC RD y Fundación Citi otorgan capital semilla a jóvenes dominicanos para impulsar sus emprendimientos


The Trust for the Americas, en colaboración con su socio local ADASEC Dominicana y con el apoyo financiero de la Fundación Citi, cerró el 2024 con la Competencia Pitch de Proyectos Innovadores de los Laboratorios de Innovación DIA. Este evento reunió a un talentoso grupo de jóvenes que presentaron sus proyectos ante un jurado multidisciplinario, compitiendo por la oportunidad de ganar fondos semilla de USD 1 000 dólares para fortalecer e impulsar sus emprendimientos.

República Dominicana

DIA Lab TT, a Trust for the Americas Project Supported by the Citi Foundation, Celebrated Innovation and Community Impact during Meet & Greet Event


The Trust’s DIA Lab in Trinidad & Tobago held a special Meet & Greet event that took place at the DIA Youth Innovation Lab, located at CARIRI's Center for Enterprise Development, to celebrate the cycle closing of the program. Representatives from Citi and five outstanding beneficiaries attended the event.

Trinidad & Tobago

DIA Summit 2024: Santo Domingo se convierte en el epicentro de la innovación y el liderazgo juvenil en Inteligencia Artificial


Santo Domingo se transformó en el epicentro de la innovación regional durante el DIA Summit 2024, donde jóvenes, representantes gubernamentales, emprendedores, y expertos internacionales se reunieron para explorar cómo la inteligencia artificial puede transformar la región. Organizado por The Trust for the Americas en colaboración con ADASEC República Dominicana y con el respaldo de Fundación Citi, el evento se centró en crear una plataforma de colaboración, aprendizaje y desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras frente a los desafíos actuales.

República Dominicana

The Trust for the Americas Re-launches Its DIA Urban Innovation Lab in LASCO Chin Foundation’s Entrepreneurship Hub in Jamaica


In today's rapidly evolving digital world, access to technology and digital literacy is critical to unlocking opportunities for economic growth and social development. In Jamaica, the digital divide continues to hinder the potential of many young people, limiting access to essential resources, education, and job opportunities. As the island moves towards a more digitally driven future, bridging this gap has become imperative to ensure equitable access to the tools and knowledge needed to succeed in a global economy.


Computer Science and Robotics Classes Delivered across Belize with FIFA Foundation Support


Computer science and robotics will be introduced at 40 Belizean schools. The FIFA Foundation Digital Education Programme is possible thanks to a joint initiative between the FIFA Foundation, the Football Federation of Belize and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology


Citi TT Celebrates Its Global Community Day with Hands-On Agricultural Experience with Beneficiaries of The Trust for the Americas' DIA Lab TT


Citi Trinidad and Tobago is delighted to announce an exceptional and engaging celebration for the 19th annual Global Community Day (GCD) at the H2O Grow agricultural farm in Valencia. This event, held in collaboration with beneficiaries from The Trust for the Americas' DIA Youth Innovation Lab TT, implemented by CARIRI, invited participants and their families to step out of their everyday routines and immerse themselves in the vibrant world of sustainable farming. Attendees gained hands-on experience, fostering a deeper connection with their community and the environment.

Trinidad & Tobago

Fundación Citi otorga fondos a jóvenes dominicanos para impulsar sus proyectos de emprendimiento


The Trust for the Americas, en colaboración con su socio local ADASEC Dominicana y con el apoyo de la Fundación Citi, celebró la Competencia Pitch de Proyectos Innovadores de los DIA Labs RD. En este evento, un grupo de jóvenes presentó sus proyectos ante un jurado, compitiendo por la oportunidad de ganar fondos semilla para fortalecer e impulsar sus emprendimientos.

República Dominicana

501 Youth Empowered with Digital and Life Skills by The Trust for the Americas’ JET Project


As the digital landscape evolves, the gap between current skill sets and market demands poses challenges for many young people. In this context, The Trust for the Americas, through its JET Project, addresses this issue by equipping Jamaican youth with digital, entrepreneurial, and life skills to catalyze their growth in the digital economy. Jamaica's future became brighter in this opportunity as 501 young Jamaicans celebrated their graduation from JET.


The Trust for the Americas, Citi Foundation and ILE Celebrate the Success of the Entrepreneurship World Cup Finals in Jamaica


The Trust for the Americas, Citi Foundation, and the Institute of Law & Economics (ILE) celebrate the successful conclusion of the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) Finals, held on Wednesday, July 24th at the Altamont Court Hotel in Kingston. This event, organized through the DIA Urban Lab for Youth Innovation, highlights the Trust’s commitment to fostering innovation and resilience within underserved communities.


Press Kits

DIA Brand Book


Institutional Presentation