Press releases

Press releases

The Trust for the Americas presents its portfolio of projects to the First Lady of Paraguay


The Trust for the Americas is happy to announce that it has started conversations with the office of the First Lady of Paraguay Silvana Lopez Moreira de Abdó, last week in Asunción.

Estados Unidos

Proyecto VIVE: Boosting the Economy with Gender Perspective in Merida, Yucatan


“Women discovering their potential” graduated 23 women from Yucatan


Transformation to an Open Public Administration in Belize project's first cycle of webinars presented at BTEC


The Trust for the Americas and the Organization of American States (OAS) have been working in Belize since 2018 to support the first steps towards Open Government in the country, leading to successful results and enabling government institutions and various civil society organizations to deliberate and discuss co-creation of policies and learn about modern participatory tools in public administration.


The Trust for the Americas, ANTAI and AIG Offer Workshop on Transparency, Government, and Open Data in Central Region of Panama


Washington, D.C. (February 10th 2020) — The Trust for the Americas together with the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (ANTAI) and the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG), invite to the first workshop on transparency, government, open data, and citizen participation in the province of Veraguas, Panama.


The Trust for the Americas, Innovaap-UCR and AUGE launch the project Gente Emprende in Costa Rica


The Trust for the Americas in partnership with the Collaborative Public Innovation Laboratory InnovaAP and the University Agency for Entrepreneurship Management of the University of Costa Rica launch the project Gente Emprende.

Costa Rica

AES Foundation and The Trust for the Americas completed the "Proyecto Potenciando el Emprendimiento Innovador en República Dominicana


Dominican Republic (13-12-2019) - The AES Dominicana Foundation and The Trust for the Americas, an affiliate of the Organization of American States (OAS), completed the "Strengthening Innovative Entrepreneurship" project strengthening local entrepreneurship in the municipalities of Boca Chica, Guayacanes, Quisqueya, Bancos de Arena and la Malena.

República Dominicana

Microsoft and The Trust for the Americas Increasing Opportunities for Brazilian Youth Through Technology


Sao Paulo, Brazil. (23-09-2019) – Brazilian youth will be given an opportunity to acquire critical, logical, and problem-solving skills to navigate information and communications technologies in the next decade through Microsoft’s Minecraft Hour of Code: Education Edition. The Trust for the Americas and Microsoft Corporation will soon teach basic coding concepts in a one hour set of activities at POETA centers in four Brazilian cities.


The Governance Lab at NYU Tandon Announces the Launch of the Multi-City Challenge Program


The Governance Lab (The GovLab) at New York University Tandon School of Engineering announced the re-launch of the Multi-City Challenge program, an effort to help cities and their residents collaboratively design solutions to urgent public problems. The initiative, supported by the Tinker Foundation, and in collaboration with Consejo Nuevo León, The Trust for the Americas, and the Municipality of San Pedro Garza García, seeks to build on the success of The GovLab’s City Challenges program, by expanding the program to run in five Mexican cities simultaneously in order to take advantage of the collective intelligence of a broader network of citizens to solve urban challenges.

Estados Unidos - Mexico

The Trust for the Americas and the OAS presented the 2019 Corporate Citizen of the Americas Award in Washington, D.C.


The 13th edition of the CCA recognizes three organizations committed to supporting long-term capacity-building, policies, and attitudes that benefit migrants as well as receiving communities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Canada - Antigua & Barbuda - Argentina - Belize - Brasil - Chile - Estados Unidos - Colombia - Costa Rica - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Nicaragua - Panamá - Perú - Puerto Rico - República Dominicana - St. Kits & Nevis - St. Lucia - St. Vincent & Granadinas - Venezuela

The Trust for the Americas, The Mico University College and N.C.B. Foundation sign agreement of understanding to announce the launch of the Entrepreneurship and Skills for Tomorrow Innovation Lab


Kingston, Jamaica (11/20/2019) With the aim of fostering economic empowerment through stimulating innovation and providing training in skills for tomorrow and entrepreneurship, N.C.B. Foundation, Mico University College and The Trust for the Americas sign a memorandum of understanding to design and implement the first year of an Entrepreneurship and Skills for Tomorrow Innovation Lab, in order to improve access to quality educational opportunities for Jamaican youth.


Press Kits

DIA Brand Book


Institutional Presentation